ubuntu du

88 Steam/logs 92 Steam The above shows that the Steam folder has a logs folder which has a size of 88 and the total for the Steam folder is 92. It doesn't list the files in the logs folder. To get the list of files you would need to use the following

相關軟體 Folder Size 下載

Folder Size for Windows adds a new column to the Details view in Windows Explorer. The new column shows not only the size of files, but also the size of folders. It keeps track of which folders you vi...

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  • For information on contributing see the Ubuntu Documentation Team wiki page. To report err...
    Ubuntu Server Guide - Official Ubuntu Documentation
  • 這陣子磁碟空間消耗極為快速,所以想找出哪個目錄是罪魁禍首,如果單純使用File Browser一個個按右鍵檢視,實在不是一個明智之舉,後來試出du搭配sort可以快速地整理出我想 ...
    [ubuntu] 利用du搭配sort來查看磁碟使用空間 @ Banco Blog :: 痞 ...
  • Ubuntu is an open source software operating system that runs from the desktop, to the clou...
    Ubuntu - Official Site
  • Select an image Ubuntu is distributed on two types of images described below. Desktop imag...
    Index of releases16.10 - Ubuntu
  • Ubuntu 用 du 和 sort 指令找出大檔案 echo Ubuntu 用 echo 指令做簡單數學運算 + Ubuntu Linux 用 bc 指令自製計算機指令 Ubun...
    Ubuntu 指令速查 - 阿舍的隨手記記、隨手寫寫...
  • in the book The impact of knowledge systems on human development in Africa. du Toit, CW (e...
    Ubuntu philosophy - Wikipedia
  • 88 Steam/logs 92 Steam The above shows that the Steam folder has a logs folder which has a...
    Example uses of the command "du" - Lifewire
  • du command is one of the most popular Unix commands. It is used to quickly estimate and re...
    du - show disk usage stats | Unix Tutorial
  • Ubuntu Documentation Team Welcome to the Ubuntu Documentation Team home page, the starting...
    Ubuntu Documentation Team - Home - Ubuntu Wiki
  • Ubuntu 用 du 和 sort 指令找出大檔案 Ubuntu 用 NCat 指令來多人聊天 Ubuntu 用指令變更預設的 Shell 程式 Ubuntu 用指令更改大量檔案...
    Ubuntu 教學 - 阿舍的隨手記記、隨手寫寫...
  • For information on contributing see the Ubuntu Documentation Team wiki page. To report err...
    Ubuntu Server Guide - Official Ubuntu Documentation
  • 這陣子磁碟空間消耗極為快速,所以想找出哪個目錄是罪魁禍首,如果單純使用File Browser一個個按右鍵檢視,實在不是一個明智之舉,後來試出du搭配sort可以快速地整理出我想 ...
    [ubuntu] 利用du搭配sort來查看磁碟使用空間 @ Banco Blog :: 痞 ...